So, what is your opinion on paint? More specifically, black paint. And even more specifically than that, black paint on nearly anything and everything in your household? Well, we recently came across one woman who has seemingly made it her mission in life to prove that almost everything looks better when it comes in black and, to be honest, we kind of agree with her!
Lea Lostt from TikTok loves antiques, DIY, hiking, and tattoos. Her video today covers at least two of those, and we think that you’ll be just as stunned by how gorgeous everything turns out just from the addition of a little black paint.
She starts the video by showing off a lovely old mirror, carefully brought back to life with some wood polish and glass cleaning. And to be fair, she does start off small and, rather than painting the entire piece black, she carefully and selectively chooses specific areas to darken with black paint, leaving it to contrast beautifully with the dark wood.
Next comes a wall in her bedroom, but the coolest part about this is that Lea doesn’t paint the entire wall. Instead, she color blocks off the middle all the way up the angle of the ceiling, and also adds some decorations to the wall. Those decorations that fall along the color block are half white and half black, making them really pop off the wall. That and some brass accents just make the wall stunning in a real gothic fashion and we are already taking notes for ourselves!
The last piece that Lea focuses on in this video is an old wooden chair which, with a little black paint, really wraps up the whole look and brings it to its own full gothic glory. We absolutely love the almost cathedral-like backing of the chair, and just how much the black paint makes everything stand out.
In the end, we have to say that black might just be our new favorite color when it comes to decorating out home!