Latest Dimensional Metrology, Inspection and Quality News
AAT3D returns to IMTS to showcase its latest on-machine measurement and metrology solutions for the ‘Smart Manufacturing’ era.
Demonstrations included CappsNC in action on a DMG MORI DMU50 machine performing multi-axis, in-machine, non-contact scanning using a NIKON laser scanning sensor and touch-probe CAD-based measurement programs and reporting.
CappNC advanced measurement software enables machine tools themselves to perform measurements like a CMM. Offline programming with virtual machine models and using CAD data allow the machine tool to be programmed to perform complex measurement and reporting tasks, including multi-datum profile and true position analysis. This information can immediately be used to improve the machining process by adapting various machining parameters such as work offsets and tool offsets. Realistic program simulations, collision avoidance, and optimum measurement path generations for multiple geometric features makes it very easy to program and flexible to make changes for any type of machine tool configurations. This ultimately enables a very easy method of quickly generating metrology data directly at the production source.
AAT defines the process of generating metrology information directly on the machine tool and immediately using it to make adjustments as “Smart Machining“. Using closed-loop feedback to provide correction for the machining process allows the system to be self-adapting to factors that affect the machining process and the quality of products being machined. The software connects with the machine tool with an ethernet cable and can read and write to any controller parameter and has a live connection with the machine tool controller. This ability allows a powerful metrology software to run outside of the machine tool controller yet work as a part of the machining process.
“Although CMM-style inspection reports can be generated and saved on the server so that they can be reviewed by engineers or saved into a database for SPC analysis, what really makes the software powerful is its ability to convert the calculated metrology data into machining parameters and directly update the controller” states AAT Founder and CEO Ray Karadayi.
AAT invites companies looking for the next level of on-machine inspection software to reduce in-process work time, improve cutting accuracy, eliminate hands-on operation at the machine with full automation of inspection to stop by for a presentation of its Smart Machining solutions.
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